
Tuesday, July 17, 2012


My douche is probably one of the worst douches on earth.

I met him through a mutual friend, and the three of us would hang out daily for about 6 months. Then suddenly, I found myself attracted to him, which I found odd because he isn't the type I usually go for. He was into me too, and we started dating and immediately hooking up. It was very fun at first, and our sexual chemistry was out of this world.

Due to circumstances, I had to move out of California. I was extremely sad to leave him because we'd grown pretty close. So I moved away, we kept in touch but not great touch, and then I was able to return to Californa after 3 months. We were planning on meeting up the very day I returned.. but when I got there, he pulled the disappearing act. No answering phone calls, texts, nothing.

I was devastated at first and was unsure what went wrong. Then, out of nowhere, he contacts me again. I could by looking in his eyes that he wasn't the same person he was before I left.As the relationship progressed, things became progressively worse. He was extremely jealous over EVERYONE, especially my guy friends. Then I heard from a mutual friend that he hooked up with my best friend when I was gone. I was so upset, I stayed in a hotel for 3 days and wouldn't come out (I lived with my best friend). To this day, I don't know if it was true, and I honestly do not care one bit now.

I forgave him after that. Stupid me. Things went downhill fast after we got back together. He became extremely jealous if I even spoke to another guy, and he would flip out, making a scene every time. He accused me of sleeping with every single guy that I know. He accused me of having orgies with all of my friends. And when I would sniffle, he would accuse me of doing drugs, when I actually was sniffling because I had allergies. He even said I sold my body for crystal meth. Where that came from, I have no idea. I never tried hard drugs. He would accuse me of poking holes in condums, thinking I wanted so badly to have his baby, which is so far from the truth. He would not use my condums because he thought they were a trap or something crazy like that. 

One time, we were sitting on my back porch, just talking, and out of nowhere.. he gets up, hops over the fence, and runs away. I didn't hear from him for days after that.
Another time, I was in the shower, and apparently he walks into my best friends room, rips all her photos off her bedroom wall, and just looks at her and laughs. She decided not to tell me this until after I broke up with him, for some reason. But she said she was terrified of him ever since.

We would fight so bad that I would be afraid for my life. He would drive extremely fast after picking arguments with me in the car, and he would drive recklessly. And one time, out of nowhere, I was driving my car with him in the passenger seat, and he opens the door and jumps out.. of my moving car! I turn around to pick him up, and I see him running as fast as he could. It was awful. 

Also, I was hospitalized for an asthma attack while I was still with him. His mother happened to be in the hospital at the same time as me. I ended up leaving the state again, and his mother remained in the hospital after I left. I saw on his Myspace (he started writing crazy updates) that he thinks I murdered his mother (she ended up dying a month after I left the state again). She died of cancer, but he was convinced I murdered her because I was in the hospital at the same time as her.

Here's the worst part. My best guy friend was staying in my apartment for a while. I had just broken up with the douche, and he was driving by my apartment every couple hours. I was afraid to turn the lights on in my apartment in fear that he would know I was home. I would hide my car too. So my friend and I pull into my apartment and pull into my normal parking spot this time, and I see his car turn into the alley behind me. I ask my friend "Should we get out of the car, or just keep driving?" And my friend says "Let's just get out. What's he going to do?". So we get out and try to make it to the door to get inside, and douche speeds up as fast as he can, jumps out of the car, and begins to beat the living crap out of my good friend, yelling "You're talking shit about my mom!!".. Where that came from, I have no idea. I try to get him off my friend, and he pushes me on the ground. I had an ugly bruise on my leg after that. I end up calling the cops, and he gets into his car and speeds away. Unfortunately, my friend decided not to press charges, only to regret it later. He left the apartment before the cops even showed up. He beat him up for no reason at all! I've never been so upset and afraid in my life. After that, he would stalk my friend at his job, and he needed security to walk him out into the parking lots at night. I put in for a restraining order, but I left the state before it could go through.

I ended up moving out of my apartment because my roommate and best friend stole money from me, causing us to lose our apartment. I moved in with a guy friend, who told me if Douche finds out where I am staying, I am out. I decide the best thing to do would be to once again leave the state, and I haven't returned since. 

Right after I moved out of my apartment, my old landlord called me up and said "Tell your ex boyfriend that you don't live here anymore! He was trying to break into your old apartment through the roof! When I told him you don't live here anymore, he tried to swing at me!". It was a terrifying thing to hear.

He would text me and apologize, saying he loved me, leaving chocolates on my front steps (before I moved out). He even left me an iPhone, which I texted back saying I didn't want. So apparently he went back to get the phone and it was gone. He was convinced I gave it to my friend that he beat up, and that's when he started stalking him.

There's many other horrible things the psycho did. Everything I wrote here is just a portion. He was just a terrifying human being. He would randomly laugh out of nowhere, with the evil laugh. And his cough was so loud and obnoxious, probably because he smoked weed 24/7. 

After I left, I didn't hear from him for about a year, but I would look at his MySpace account where he updated his statuses hourly saying the craziest things. He would write stuff about me murdering his mother, the cops being out to get him, and he was convinced famous rock bands stole his ideas. I am positive he went absolutely crazy. 

Anyways, one day I login to check my MySpace (this is after MySpace died out, but he used that and not facebook for some reason) and I had a message from him saying "Did you leave the state because I got you pregnant and you have my baby? Tell me the truth." I immediately deleted and blocked him. Luckily I stopped hearing from him about a month after I left California again.

One time, not too long ago, I googled my name, and on the third page of results, I see a link to his MySpace page and a status update he wrote about me. "Jane Smith (not my real name) sold her body for meth to my good friend Dan (fake name)".. Or something along those lines. I contacted google and had it removed, but it was not an easy process.

I still have nightmares to this day about him, his crazy laugh, and everything he did. When we were just friends, he was a normal guy and everyone liked him. But for some reason, he snapped and went absolutely nuts, completely out of nowhere. He has no friends now because everyone is terrified of him. I guess he went to jail for assault and battery shortly after I left too. I was so upset to hear he was soon released from jail. I really think he is a dangerous human being. He is the one person in the world I can honestly say I hate. I am so thankful I am back on the east coast, and he is in California. Sometimes I fear him traveling cross country and tracking me down.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, apparently the whole time he was smoking crystal meth, and that's why he accused me of doing it. What a douche!


  1. I got 2 paragraphs in and said "METH HEAD" lol damn...what a pile of garbage he is. Lucky you are out of that!

    1. I was going to say the EXACT same thing....reminds me of the geekin' n tweekin' days with my ex douche....glad I'm so over both!! Crazy is prolly the best word to describe ANY relationship that one or both people are on meth...

  2. Wow sounds like bad schizophrenia brought on by smoking marijuana which can happen if someones a diabetic and doesn't know it . Plus the meth didn't help . IM sorry for you i know how it feels to be stalked by a maniac.

    1. This is 100% incorrect!! Schizophrenia can not be brought on by marijuana and diabetes has no link to schizophrenia. My whole family, excluding myself and 1 cousin, is diabetic and I can say 100% assuredly there is no link between the two. Also, I know someone who is paranoid schizophrenic, many hard drugs can and will lead to the initial appearance of symptoms if you are already genetically predisposed... marijuana is not one of them. This poor woman went through this b/c this douche was a meth head. Do your research before you educate the world with falsehoods.
      To the original poster: I'm so sorry you went through what you went through. I dated my own douche that was an oxy head. I didn't have to deal with the crazy you did but know what it is like to have a relationship ruined by drugs. Hopefully your ex douche is either clean or dead so you don't have to live scared anymore.

  3. I was totally going to call "tweaker". Yeah. They will suck you in their pit of hell!

  4. Meth is what caused that crazy behavior. My ex husband started doing meth once and I went through a similar situation. It causes hallucinations and paranoia to the tenth level. Its scary stuff for sure! My ex also accused me of taking drugs and cheating on him. I'm glad you got out of that!!

  5. I cant believe how familar yr story is. My ex also was a meth head, abusive, nuts and he stayed with me for a yr. I learned so much from it and will never let it happen again to me. I'm so happy yr away from him now.

  6. Is there no understanding? The man was crazy or stuck in some pit of a drug addiction. He wasnt a douch, he was sick. God damn!! Please stop your dark, foul judgement. I'm not saying what he did was ok, but understand he wasnt in control.

    1. Sorry, but that was his own damn fault that he got addicted. So, yeah..he does deserve to be called a douche.

    2. Yeah, I'm the girl who wrote the story, he definitely deserves to be called a douche. I don't see any "dark, foul judgement" here... I was telling it as it is. I was afraid for my life. He was a very scary person. And I had no idea he was doing drugs the whole time until afterwards. But yeah, it was real douche-y to beat the crap out of my best friend for no reason, write horrible things about me on the internet, etc etc. And it was real douche-y to be doing meth in the first place. I am pretty sure he has schizophrenia though.. most likely drug induced. About a week ago, I looked at his MySpace again to see if he wrote anything else about me, and luckily didn't find anything. However, he did write that his psychiatrist gave him anti depressants, and he is convinced the doctor gave him "women's pills".. because apparently they are turning him into a woman. I don't think anti psychotics could even help this douche!

    3. And I thought you said you deleted and blocked his Myspace or FB or whatever it is?.... What are you looking for?.... I think to a point, somehow we all become addicted to DRAMA!..... Or else if you hate him as much as you say you do and if you say he is a dangerous human being, what is there for you to even care or think about what he says about you or what he does with his life? .... You are blessed you are away and alive.... Leave the drama at the bay.....

    4. His insanity was brought on by METH that he CHOSE to do! He is a douche and deserves no pity! I personally know people that suffer from schizophrenia they deserve pity... this douche did it to himself. And I have a feeling she checks his myspace b/c she's scared of him and wants to keep tabs on him.
      Original poster: do not let these people bring you down. Keep doing what you're doing and stay safe!

    5. I check his myspace sometimes to see if he has written anything new about me. Only reason. Who would want lies about them floating around in cyber space, especially saying they're a prostitute for crystal meth? Really? Until you deal with something like this (and I hope you never have to)... don't judge. Thanks to those of you who are sticking up for me, lol. Might I add, I have a new boyfriend now, and I love him so much! He treats me so nicely!! I am so happy to have him, especially after that crap.

    6. he probably wasnt a douche, he was sick, no doubt. but you sure as hell didnt deserve what he put u through. and you have every right to hate his gut. its highly insensitive of people to accuse u of being addicted to drama. come on, cut the lady some slack. shes the victim here. its not drama. such incidents can lead anyone to paranoia. she just keeps a check on his myspace account to ensure she doesnt need to call out to google again. :/

      good to know you're happy! :)

  7. That was totally the meth. Holy crap. Glad you are safe and away!

  8. Meth can completely change someone's personality and cause them to act crazy. There's no doubt in my mind that that's why he acted this way. He sounds extremely dangerous and it's for the best that you're on the other side of the country.. Which is very sad it had to come to that.

  9. The whole time I was reading this I was thinking "sounds like a meth addict" and it is a good thing you moved and got away from that. I have 2 family members with a meth addiction and it is nothing you want in your life.

  10. Chandler, I'm with you.

  11. sounds like one of my baby daddy's, he did a lot of crazy things, almost killing me a few times, and he would always accuse me of smoking crack and stealing his crack lol. Drugs make people paranoid weirdo's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
