
Monday, July 16, 2012


1)  Why are you single?

2)  Maybe you shouldn't be so picky.

3)  What is wrong with you? You are so pretty.

4)  I have the perfect guy for you.

5)  Have you tried internet dating?

6)  Don't you want to have kids?

7)  Aren't you afraid of ending up alone forever?

8)  You should join a health club.

9)  Maybe you should start seeing a therapist.

10)  I'll have my husband ask around at  his work and see who is single.


  1. Are you in a hurry to get married?

  2. I probably heard all these when I was single. I'm 26yrs old and most people think its crazy I'm not married and never been married and have no children. I personally think I've done rather well in dodging the bullet on this.(99% of my exs are douches). I am now happily engaged to a man that takes good care of me and I'm very happy with that. Although I still get asked about kids. Oh, and does it count on the last one if my single friend asks me if my fiance has any single friends? Cuz I've had a few ask me that..... I usually just say no.

    1. This is almost exactly what I'm goin through now! Lol. I'm 25 & my best friend always asked me why I'm not married with children.. I believe I will do something about it when I'm ready! Not everything everyone else does is mandatory.. In my opinion.. But contests on the upcoming nuptials!! :)

    2. the ppl that are asking these questions could actually be jealous cuz strong independant girls can do it on their own and wait till they find the right guy that will treat them the way they deserve!!
      so many ppl out there are on 2nd and 3rd marriages and that could be cuz they were in such a hurry...jus sayin ;)

    3. Just tell them you're to busy having fun and going on vacation. lol

    4. 26 is so young. People are so ridiculous.

    5. Please take my "like"

  3. Ive heard: are you a lesbian?, you don't have to workout so hard, your already thin enough for guys to like you...FYI anything I do is for me and nobody else

  4. Well, I'm not single, but I can tell you I am constantly asked if I'm engaged/married.. or when I will be. It's just as annoying! lol

  5. I just hate the....are you seeing anyone? Bringing anyone? Been on any dates lately? Oh I'm SURE you'll find soneone when you least expect it

    1. OMG, I HATE hearing "you'll find someone when you're not looking"!!! lol The last two d-bags found ME when I wasn't looking, so that shizz doesn't work either. lol

    2. Yeah, that is the worst cliche ever. If you're confident being single, and doing your thing, and if you aren't looking, you don't really want to find ANYBODY!

    3. I hate that saying its so stupid im never looking and am still single

    4. LMAO I hate the whole "you'll find someone when you're not looking" haha and I agree that shizz doesn't work!!!

  6. You have nice breasts. (Someone actually said that to me. Some men never learn.)

    1. I don't understand what is so wrong about that?

  7. "I can't believe a gorgeous girl like you hasn't been snapped up yet!" ummm... I'm single by choice, someone's got to be pretty amazing to take me away from the freedom of single life. I love travelling and am very spontaneous, it's a lot easy to be like this when your single. Also Im only 24. Still plenty of time :)

  8. Yeah I have heard the"why haven't you gotten married our have had kids?" Eyeroll cuz I'm too damn busy making a life for myself!!! I can't rely on a man so all I've got is myself. I think men realize that I'm not going to take care of them and I'm too independent so they move on....fine with me. ;-) someone else can take care of them.... I'll be 40 next year, just bought my first house, yeah who needs a man.... ;-) :-D :-)

    1. You go girl! 41 and in the same boat (haven't bought the house yet, though)

    2. 46 bought the house and love to travel and having the freedom to do what i want when i want with who i want so why again should i give that up??...he will have to be pretty damn amazing for me to give that up too :)

    3. LOVE THIS! I am 35, never married, (I do have a child though) just bought my first home and very happy :) I do what I want and when I do want some male company...I know how to make that happen too Lol

  9. Buying your first house at 40? If you had a man you would have had your first house in your early 30's. Just sayin. Being single is fun, but I get tired of telling them that I have to wake up in a couple hours for work just so they will leave.

    1. um, I bought my first house when I was 30 WITHOUT a man. sorry, but that's a really ridiculous thing to say...

    2. What a douchey thing to say.

    3. i bought my house when i was 30 all on my own and that is a douchey thing to say for sure!!!

    4. I bought my first house last year when I was 26. All on my own :)

    5. I have never bought a house, I'm 44, and I don't give a rip because the landlords have to do the repairs and the gardening! LOL! I'm free to do other things :) Buying a house isn't a big deal, but living confidently and loving yourself madly, IS!

    6. Are you trolling?

      I re-bought my house that was ours at 27 (long story, he was a douche is the short version). He wouldn't have ever had his name on a mortgage without me co-owning when we purchased at 23.

      He is now 40, on very decent money and 8 years on still can't get his shit together to buy a house - but still tells everyone it's my fault and I bled him dry. Dude, I paid out all your debts and still am ahead of your game.

      This just reinforced why I am enjoying single life :)

  10. kudos for buying your first house ALL BY YOUR SELF! u don't need to be codependant or sleep with losers u don't even like just because u don't want to be alone like the above poster!

    and back to the topic...
    don't say "nice tits" or "do u like it when guys suck your breastessess?" EW! go the eff away! don't ask me out if u are married/still living with your ex/way too wrapped up in your ex's world...don't ask "y don't u have any kids?" or "have you ever been engaged?" just ask neutral questions & maybe you'll get the other answers naturally!

  11. so if I got married I could buy a house around my early 30's ... and have a lot of trouble when divorce comes by the late 30's...mmm no, I prefer my own house, thank you. By the way, who gets married these days? Marriage was invented looong ago by men who saw women as property and wanted to ensure their children/heirs were really "theirs".

    1. Seriously? Just because YOU don't want to get married, doesn't mean you have to dog out those who do. I want to get married to my boyfriend in the future. Does that mean I want to be his property? No, it means that I love him more than anything and want to share a life together.

    2. i'm thinking her comment was directed at the comment above so dont take it personally...marriage is amazing if its the right couple and they love and respect each other...i hope it works out with u and your bf in the future :)

  12. Women. Am I right?

  13. I'm a 53 year old single man and let me tell you...Match is FULL of "40 something single moms" who bought into those arguments. Btw, I love this site. Kind of like a feed back loop. :-)

  14. Ummmm, about the post "You're 40 and just buying your first house. Had you been married, you could have had one in your early 30's". I'm trying really hard to have a filter about that post. SHE IS BUYING HER OWN HOUSE!!! Without the help of ANYONE! That is kick ass, congratulations to that fierce woman!!!! I'm 27 and looking into buying my first house! 27, on my own, WITHOUT the help of anyone. Really folks, we're in the 21st Century :) Happy Sunday

  15. I'm single, 35 and bought my first house 3.5 yrs ago. At that time I was only dating my ex-fierce. Don't need a husband to purchase a house at any age! My career is awesome and getting better now that I've been single little over a year. That just says to me that he was holding me back! Hell, these days you don't even need to be in a relationship to raise kids...

    1. I'm raising my lil girl on my own, she's two & I'm 30. You really don't need a relationship to raise a kid :) I feel as though I've dodged some bullets by never getting married because they've all been douches. In fact, they were very talented at holding me back. I provide for my little girl and she's doing quite well. This society is just so hell bent on the definition of a family unit that out tries to force us strong individuals into roles we don't have a use for.

    2. Kids in general kind of need a male influence otherwise they do not know how to relate to men - girls will not be able to have a healthy relationship with a man and the boys will grow up to be wienies/ don't respect women. If parents would stay together and fight through the difficult patches together, the kids would have strong influences and the parents would grow as people (as in care for and change for others in a loving way even when it's difficult). In the "me" society today, it's rare that this happens, and the larger group of kids growing up today will not own up to their mistakes or commit to anything.

  16. Even when you find a man and have kids people still aren't happy with your choice. .so don't listen to people and do what makes u happy!!

  17. Im 32 not kids...same bullshit all the time. But like many of you 99.999% of my exes are douchebags so I always end up realizing im much better off on my own at the end of the day plus im just happy w/me F everyone else!!!

  18. "Don't worry. You'll meet someone" NOT WORRIED!

  19. People are always dissatisfied with your life choices because they are dissatisfied with their own and want to make themselves look better. I had never kissed a man until i was 25 and met my now husband. First it was, "Why aren't you dating anyone?" then, "when is the wedding?", now it's "When are you going to have kids?" They don't know we've miscarried and i don't think my reproductive choices are their business. Be content with yourself and tell everyone else to suck an egg!

  20. I bought my first house at 30 on my own. Made another bad choice and married for the third time. I'll be 45 this year and been divorced the past seven years. Listen to your own heart and pray about any life changing event before taking the plunge. I learned the hard way and very happy on my own until God puts the right man in my life. Who cares what other think. It is your life and the one who lives with the consequences. I dated a guy recently for year or so to finally see he's a total douche. Time reveals all truth. Live for and in the moment...and how you want to live it. Life is too precious.

  21. I'm 21 years old, I'm in no rush to marry or have kids. Either when single or dating someone people insist on asking about those topics, even if I've only been dating the guy a month! My mother and father got married young (19) and waited to have children till they where 36, so forgive me if I liked my parents way of doing things and want to do the same, at least when it comes to the children aspect anyways.

  22. "Why are you still single?"
    "Because if I was desperate to have a boyfriend, there's a chance I'd end up with a douche like you."
    Sometimes I think I'm the only one who thinks there should be some kind of "spark" before dating someone. Everyone else seems to think that just because I'm a young woman, means that I can just walk into a crowd, grab a guy, and walk out a relationship.

  23. As a 52 year old man I have been happily single for 34 years. I love my emotional and economic independence too much to be in a relationship. Just because some gossip magazine says that men should be married and settled down doesn't mean I am going to live by those ideologies. I haven't had a date in 34 years either because I am not interested in romance.

  24. After graduating college I moved to DC and someone actually had the nerve to say to me: "Don't worry, your pretty, you'll probably be snatched up by a senator or something. just get a job in one of their offices as a secretary." There are so many things wrong with that statement. I did not work my a*# off in school to become some a&*hole politicians secretary and I'm not a helpless little girl waiting to get "snatched up". I love being single and am very career oriented/driven. I love the freedom and fun of the single life and haven't really met anyone that catches my attention. Beside, I'm only 22! When people say things like this to us independent, strong women they're just projecting there own insecurities.

  25. Im 27 and SO happy being single - and still very young. No marriage and no kids (yet, if ever - was engaged once) and im alright with that fact bc its my life and i chose it to be this way. People are always going to have an opinion and going to poopoo on anything that doesnt suit their lifestyleand look how we grew up in this western civilization - its imprinted in our heads that life should be done in certain ways and orders.
    And the fact that someone says 'how are you single youre so pretty' - thanks but i want someone to love the fact that im smart, independant, and have a really sweet caring soul before you go for my looks - they eventually fade

  26. Geez all you single women are so closed minded!! Being single is great, being independant and self sufficient etc... but come on... like you dont wish for prince charming to come along and fit perfectly into your life. Companionship is a great way to learn even more about yourself that you just CANT learn BY yourself! All it takes is one special guy... and all those people that ask you "why arent you married yet?" Or say "oh you'll find someone" are people that 1) are probly old fashioned and thats their idea of life, so give them a break and stop being so snobby 2) most likely understand that being with someone special can bring out the best and worst in you that you can learn from... dont settle and dont make yourself any less important, but dont be so uneducated to what a real relationship can be either

  27. It's ok to be closed minded once you've been with a douche. They can damage a woman for many years if not a lifetime. Yes, some are so passive and put up with so much hurtful behavior, and they are taught to take it, because that's what a good woman does. "Someone special" should rarely bring out the worst in you. They should most always bring out the best in you. Ladies, don't fall for it. And love takes time. If you're in love before you've been with someone 3-6 months, beware. "Sparks" are not feelings. Sparks are your prehistoric hormones kicking in, saying "don't look at the hairy monster- we need to continue the species- just hold still and be mesmerized by this guy's bull crap!"

  28. After having a bf for 4.5 years, I'm still single. No sign of engagement or marriage in sight. While I love him and would love to be his wife, he does not get me all to his self. This does not mean I cheat on him. ( I don't). This means I do what I want when I want. If he figures out I'm the same girl he fell in love with, marriage will come. If he continues to feel he can have the cow....then hasta la bye bye...

  29. Get married? No thanks. Have kids? That sounds worse. I'd rather not swim through life bound my anchors.

  30. Yeah, well, I'm 32 and I'm NOT single by choice. I was single by choice for a good part of my 20's and now I feel like I waited too long. I'm not dating anyone and I rarely meet anyone I want to date...and when I do, something generally goes horribly wrong. It's not them, it IS me. You don't hear that too often, but it's true. I'm fairly certain I'll end up childless and alone which of course makes me even more turned off to going out and trying to meet anyone because I just feel fucking sad all the time.

    Also - one to add to the list is all you 25 year old's on here saying "I'm only 25, I've got plenty of time!" How do you think that makes someone who is 7 years older than you and still alone feel?

  31. Being single is great for sure-I believe you have to know yourself and know how to be alone and comfortable with it before you can truly be whole in a relationship. However, I agree with the last post! I'm not sad about being single but I do wish I had some companionship from time to time. The thing you don't even think about in your twenties is that as you get older the pool gets smaller and smaller. I'm 35. The percentage of people my age who aren't married or attached is significantly lower than it was when I was 27 without a care in the world. Just a thought. LOL but I guess I'm waiting for the people who got married too young to get divorced and add to the "fish in the sea"

  32. Anon who is 32, it took me until age 36 to find the right partner (due to a first marriage to a douche... in fact, a rapist douche...) but when I did, he was so perfect I couldn't have designed someone who was a better fit for me. It can still happen. Love yourself enough to work out why you feel it is you, because you shouldn't HAVE to feel fucking sad all the time, and it can totally still happen. Hang in there, OK?

  33. Who cares how old you are! Really?! Everyone has their own reason for why they are single.
    1. By CHOICE (Me at 30)
    2. Tired of dating Douche Bags
    3. Enjoying being free and not tied to anyone/anything (currently)
    4. Never believed in Marriage or wanting kids (Me at 28)
    5. Doesn't have the time or the want to invest in someone else
    6. Prefers the idea of being alone in a house with a 1,000 cats (MY DREAM) ;)

    Just because society makes you "feel" like you should be married, does NOT mean you HAVE to get married. People often settle because for some crazy reason they think they "must" get married, regardless if the person they are with is even the right person for them. NEVER SETTLE. The divorce rate is at an all time high, why is that? Hmmmm?? Because people Settle and think, "Well, maybe if we get married things will get better... or maybe if we have a baby things will be better..." NOPE, Wrong again. People are constantly changing and growing as they get older. The person who was right for you at 26, may not be the same person or YOU might not be the same person at the age of 36. Live for yourself and enjoy what you have. You don't need a Significant other to be happy. If you're miserable now, you wont be happy in your new relationship either. Work on yourself! Do things that you enjoy and that make you a better YOU(don't try to be someone else or live up to anyone else's expectations of you), then when the right person comes along they wont be filling a "black hole" in your life... they will be your +1 (a nice addition) to what you've already created for yourself. And if you could careless to be with someone, GOOD FOR YOU!! Everyone has their own personal journey in life, what is good for them, may not be good for you. So, stop crying already, pointing fingers, playing the age game and for the love of GOD stop caring what everyone else is doing in their lives. That's their story...not yours.
