
Thursday, May 24, 2012


1) He talks about himself incessantly  
Everybody likes to talk about themselves.  It is human nature.  But does he ask how your day was only to have the conversation  turn back to him?  Pay attention.

2) He doesn't call when he says he will
This is a personal pet peeve.  If someone (doesn't matter if you are dating them or not) says that they are going to call you - they should call you.  Of course there are exceptions and if this happens once in a blue moon, don't jump down their throat.  But is this a constant issue?  It is disrespectful.  Bottom line - you are not a priority to that person.

3) He is ambiguous about your future
Here at I dated that douche I have read a lot of submissions and there are some common themes that keep resurfacing.  One of which is this:  In the beginning he said he wanted to get married, have kids and settle down and now he keeps avoiding these topics.  This happens a lot and in my opinion I think men say they want these things in the beginning to get the girl because it is what most girls want.  Men (douchebags rather)  know that this is what women want to hear.  Most girls would never get serious with a guy or for that matter even go on a second date if he said things like "I don't want children and don't think I want to get married".

4) He doesn't refer to you as his girlfriend
This may seem like an obvious one and it is.  But it has even happened to the girl writing this.  To be somewhat fair to myself my douchebag was really charismatic and was able to get away with A LOT. And like a lot of girls I have dated more than one. But after reading a lot of submissions - I realized that I have not been the only girl.  Think about it - if you are in public with him and he is not referring to you as his girlfriend with you there.  He sure as hell is not telling people he even has a girlfriend when you are not there.  This douche is the forever bachelor.  Let him be the forever bachelor - just not on your watch.

5) He lets you pay for him
I've mentioned this before and yes, this is another COMMON THEME here at I dated that douche that keeps popping up.  Do not pay a guy's way in this world.  It is a recipe for DISASTER.  He does not respect himself and he most definitely does not respect you.  Do not give him a loan either.  He can get one from a bank or his FAMILY.  If he can't get one from his family or a bank.  There is a good reason.

6) Your friends and family cannot stand him
Everyone has different family dynamics, but assuming that you like your family and value their opinion - listen to their opinion.  Also, listen to your friends.  Another common theme,  a lot of women losing friends because they have dated a douchebag and the friends don't stay in their lives because of it.

7)  You cry A LOT
Are you unhappy in this relationship?  Do you find yourself crying a lot?  Do you find yourself talking to others about your relationship problems constantly?  That is exhausting. For you and them.  You are wasting valuable energy.  And if you are not already - you will most likely end up depressed.   It is time for a reality check.

8)  He is HOT and COLD
I am sure there is a psychological term for this and if you know of it - please leave it in the messages - but this is how guys keep women trapped for sometimes years in relationships...  (and women, but I am a woman so of course I am writing from a woman's perspective).  Often, just when you are almost out the door, they are back in full force to get you to stay.  You deserve consistency.

9) You find yourself making excuses for him
This is self explanatory.  If you are doing this, you know you are doing this.  You need to stop.  Ask yourself:  Is this just making an excuse for his behavior? And this is how you are (in one way) playing a part in this toxic relationship.

10) Would you be proud to have a son like him?
Pretty self explanatory as well.  If not, then WHY are you dating him?


  1. Wow, I knew my ex was a douche...but after reading that it's TOTALLY been confirmed!!!

    11. You probably met him online....

    1. Same here. I've dated a few douches and luckily that is over for me (my husband is the complete opposite of a douche) but after reading this I realize how my most much of a douche my most recent ex was. He is a yes for each and every single one of the point above. And to think I was with him for 1.5 years. I can't believe I did that. So glad I never have to go through that again. To all you women out there dating douches... There are good men out there. I found one. You can too!

    2. My ex-girlfriend fit numbers 1 and 9 all too well. The whole relationship, she kept talking about how she'd only been with douchebags, and how great I was (yet she always expected me to screw up, which was annoying), then she turned out to be the female equivalent. Sometimes it can be good to have a bad experience once or twice, to know how to avoid them in the future, and to find out what you really want in a person. There were a lot of tangents in this comment, but hopefully I made some valid points.

    3. LOL Yea number 11 should be that!!!! I met my ex fiance online and he left me for a pregnant girl on the same site he met me

    4. To be honest, I'm a guy and women do this too on all counts.

  2. Ugggg I'm effing dating a DOUCHE

    1. Damn! So am I!!!! How could we let that pass and not notice 'till now!!?

    2. me too sister, me too.. for 4 years

  3. *sigh* thats my douche right there, yet im STILL making excuses for it even to this page. how sad am i? (rhetorical, i already know the answer) lol.

  4. ah shit. i really need to dump my "boyfriend".

  5. Funny how this suggests only MEN can be douches. Sexism much?

    1. That's what I'm saying, and I'm a girl. Women can be douches too. I'm so tired of hearing all men are douches. It's just not true.

    2. UMmmmm she did say...."(and women, but I am a woman so of course I am writing from a woman's perspective)" #8.... ;-) might want to reread.... ;-) i agree it goes both ways. men and women can be douches.

    3. I love when men are guilty and then they deflect their traits onto women.

      12. Deflecting to keep from answering for your bad decisions/actions!

  6. Mine never refers to me as his girlfriend, only when we're in bed, will he say something like, "You didn't know your boyfriend was a jackass did you"? He has actually referred to me as his "friend" to people we meet while grocery shopping. Yes mine is a douche, and I am going to end it, but right now I don't have a job or a car, so he is footing the bill for everything. My friends and family don't like him...they say I can do better. He always talks about himself, and never asks me about my day, and when I'm talking to my best friend about something, he turns the conversation to about him. Pisses me off. Oh lord, and the future stuff, he has been through soooo many girlfriends in the past 6 yrs, that I'm surprised i've lasted longer than 18 months. He doesn't want to get married, his own kids can't stand him. And yet, I'm here...

    1. The relationship has only lasted this long because he is waiting on you to end it. Come on, he told you he is a jack ass for God's sake!

    2. So wait, you're calling his a douchebag, yet you're only with him because he's footing the bill for all your financial needs. You're no better sweetheart. You can't bitch about it when you're using him for his money and transportation.

    3. Speaketh thine thruths for all the world to hear. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    4. I agree with "July 29, 2012 7:25 AM"; sounds like symbiotic toxicity (he's a douche, but you're using

  7. I dated that douche.
    Thankfully my current boyfriend doesn't fall into any of these categories.

    1. Great for everyone who took their ex douche experiences and got a REAL relationship. Gladly I only dated one douche and when that was over I worked on myself esteem (he destroyed) and got in a good stable relationship and with someone who also doesn't fit in any of those categories.

    2. Exact same thing here. It only took one, then i worked on myself and got in a relationship with someone who would never even think about doing any of those things on that list. :)

  8. The last gut I dated did a few of these things. But he was also complete opposite on several of them. Corrected his friends when they called me his friend instead of gf. Always called when he said he would, asked me not to get my tubes tied when I brought it up a few times (I have 3 kids with my ex husband). But he got weird about his phone and I got a gut feeling from a couple of instances, so I'm not really sure what to classify him as. I guess it would be an emotionally damaged sweetheart.

  9. Well, call me a sucker! I like it when in the beginning they say they want to take it slow. Then, after a month or so... he says he has no time for a relatioship because he had 2 jobs. So, I was understanding. Now... he has one job and getting ready to move to out of state... out of the blue, after 5 or 6 months of "taking it slow". GG douche! Ugh! <\3

  10. There is a term for #8 which is called push and pull. A lot of people (both male and female) do this if they have a personality disorder, especially Borderline or Narcissistic. It's a nasty mind game.

    I am guilty of #5.. but is a person a douche if their family has no money either? I did date a douche who was broke from having to pay child support and being a felon that could only get minimum wage jobs (see even a person with a psych degree is stupid haha).. but he got put in foster care because his mom was schizophrenic and now she can't work so as far as I know she doesn't give him money either.. as for the bank thing I'm not sure how many people in their early 20's can or would want to get loans? I know I fell victim to a sob story but I"m just asking...

    1. You're right about number 8, the first thing I would look at would be Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Number 5, I paid for my ex narcissist as he didn't have a job, but when he did get money not a penny was spent on me, never a bunch of flowers or dinner. I couldn't leave him without food so i don't know what else i could have done but when he dumped me and found someone else she wasn't giving to him and he got a job quick enough...a few jobs actually, he is now on his fourth...can't keep a job nor could he keep the new gf...she dumped his ass.

  11. I think I should just stop dating. Good to know I'm not the only one experiencing these things.

  12. My fiance is a douche, but I still love him :)

  13. Wow... You're happy that your fiancé is a douche?! I can tell you right now, you're not his "one and only"... He has another gf in the side (that's if you don't already know). Good luck on your "engagement". Smh

  14. I already knew all these things. Plus some. But we are like magnets to each other. How can it stop?! Driving me crazy sometimes. That "push/pull " thing is a big component but i was not aware it was part of those personality disorders, tho i have already unofficially "diagnosed" him with those lol. Interesting ....

    1. Glad i am not the only one. I have the push & pull down to a science. My douche works the pipeline. Sees me, txts me, wonderful & sweet. I think i am going to strave if i dont see him. He calls it the hunger. Last year we were so close. Every weekend he would drive incredible distances for me. We talk about me moving closer to him. All is good. Until the cinderella clock rang. November, like every November before that like a ghost gone. No calls nothing. We had a vacation planned nothing. Talk about pain. Ok side tracked. This. Site helps so much. Grandmere was right though "men will treat a woman as badly as she allows him to"

  15. This is soooo my ex...his rating: 10 out of 10. Feel so sad for his sons...not mine thankfully!! So glad to be free from the clutches of that douche!!!

  16. The last guy I dated was a douche, but I was too blind to see it when his own mother said i could do better. I assumed she was joking, hell fucking no. He gives men a bad name.

    1. Same exact thing with me. I didn't know he was a douche and even his own mother told me I could do better and that he didn't deserve me. Turned out to be damn true and I'm glad I'm not crying and depressed like I was anymore. Sucks that he was my first relationship. And I'm still not completely over him (I think about him everyday). But you have to learn someway, right?</3

  17. I married that douche!!! And quickly divorced him. Being single is heavenly. Never been happier. I know there are good guys out there but I don't have the desire to find one. After the epic douchebagery that ensued during my marriage..... no thanks! :)

  18. I was married to my douche bah for 12 years finally saw it and got a divorce. Now i have a wonderful man and could not be happier but still a little gun shy

  19. I was married to my douche bah for 12 years finally saw it and got a divorce. Now i have a wonderful man and could not be happier but still a little gun shy

  20. Ugh! I married this douche! The problem is I knew it before I married him. Good thing I filed for divorce yesterday!

  21. I am not trying to be mean or judgmental to any of you, but I have noticed one thing about some other women. Yes, I am a woman. Women LOVE bad boys, but they don't get there is a huge difference between bad boy and ass. I don't know how many times I have heard a woman say "he's just too nice." HUH? How can someone be too nice? Ok no woman wants a pussy for a boyfriend, but being nice is a good thing. I dated douch bags when I was a teenager, but I learned I deserved better. I met my now husband when I was 18 an have been together almost 18 years. I even had friends say "he's just so nice." Then I had to listen to these same friends whine and cry about their douches all through their 20's and into their 30's. Until they finally wised up. So for any young girls out there and older ones NICE IS A GOOD THING!!! Quit just looking at bad boys.

    1. The so called 'bad boys' don't always show up as bad boys, they can all act so nice at first especially those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, i don't go for bad boys, I like nice guys, i didn't know my ex was a narc, i fell for his sob victim stories and wanted to give to him everything he had never had.

  22. Holy shit! He fits into everyone of these!

  23. Fuck I hate to admit this but my bf got 7/10 he's definately a douche and no matter how much I try to get him to realize it he always thinks I'm the one to blame with my jealousy and nagging. Well ya maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have things to get jelous of. For instance checking bitches out in front of me or liking their pictures online or apps. And I nag cuz he does childish things. Idk what to do.... we fucking live together.

    1. Wow, that sounds JUST like my ex husband! Guys like that will never change and constantly lay the blame at your feet. For me I started to question my own sanity and went through hell and high water to be what I thought he wanted. In the end I believe he was cheating so it didn't matter what I did. I have learned since divorcing him to think better of myself and to live my life and vow to not get into another relationship for awhile. That way when the right person eventually comes along I will be ready and have my head on straight. My advice to you is get out while you can, I know with my ex it was hard because I thought he was everything I ever wanted in a man and more. Turns out he was just a douche in tinfoil!! He had my whole family, my kids included, wrapped up in his bs, only to turn around and hurt alot of people. All I can say is karma will get him, already has from what I hear! Anyways good luck to you!

  24. The hot cold is called a coquette. It's explained inthe book "the art of seduction". It's referred to as the most dangerous and powerful seductive personality out there. They cycle through hope and frustration, and you stick around for the hope of reward. If this type brings you flowers at work is the best thing in the world. If a normal decent guy brings you flowers is nice, but somewhat expected. The douche bag Baghdad a purpose in this world, but it's still frustrating haha. This all from a man's perspective.

  25. Regarding #5 - Are you kidding me? You expect the man to pay for everything? This isn't the 1940's. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Sure you shouldn't have to pay for him all the time, but a relationship is give and take. ANY person in a relationship who expects to have the other person pay for them every time is a douche, that includes women AND men.

    1. that is not we are saying at all. We are talking about the perpetual loser douche who takes advantage of women financially and expects a free ride - re-read what we wrote.

  26. I dated that douche..and got pregnant by that douche. I wouldn't trade my child for the world but the douche isn't in my sons life. Which is for the best anyways!

  27. If a guy has a personality disorder, doesn't he deserve a chance too? Maybe instead of running out on him, you try to talk about it and maybe even get him some professional help. To all you women complaining about your "douchebag": Good luck finding Mr. Perfect because if he exists he's not looking for a woman that will ditch him when times get tough.

  28. Ok I pretty much understood everything else but, about the "switching the conversation back to him" I'm still not quite sure I fully understand.

  29. Oh nooooooo, i'm a D-bag. xD

  30. Yep my ex is a douchebag for sure! He paid for me to come and visit him while he was serving overseas and introduced me as his "friend"! Friend really? You spend $1500 on your friends??

    1. ^^^ someone who is willing to spend 1500 dollars just to see you and visit for a little bit is not a douche. Maybe he has his reasons and you just need to talk to him about it. But seriously, even of he were to spend 1500 bucks on just a friend, he's a damn good friend. Sounds like he's worth a shot. Someone wouldn't spend that much money to see just anybody.

    2. If they're horny enough, they would...

  31. I think you should add "does he have any close friends?" If no one of any gender wants to hang out with him, he is a douche. My friend married her douche, he had his brother as best man, but every other member of the bridal party, male and female, was a friend or family member of the bride. Douche lived with his parents, in the same house he grew up in, but had not one friend.

  32. I would add a little extra right before No. 10. :) Before even considering having a son like him I would say (sinceI actually went through this)...

    Do you feel proud of introducing him to people as your boyfriend? If you fear you can see people wondering right there and then what on earth you're doing with him, they probably are.

    True story. When I finally put that train-wreck of a relationship out of its mysery the first thing that happened is that EVERYBODY I knew expressed exactly what I had feared all along. Plus, there's nothing on earth like introducing someone you truly admire and are proud of to others as your boyfriend. Why have to feel sorry for yourself?

    Anyway.... Had to walk a mile in those shoes to learn the lesson (and all other 9 points mentioned in this list, of course).

  33. Just a month ago I broke up with my douche, he is every single one of these but to the extreme. I have to find a therapist because my relationship had gone physically, and emotionally abusive. Some of the things he did were too violent to describe. Not sure how to go out with my friends anymore and enjoy myself because he didn't allow me to for so long.. I need some advice because I'm depressed and shattered. I know I'm better off but I'm tired of feeling like this. I need to let myself smile again. Please help :(

  34. #8 is cognitive dissonance...we stay in these crappy "relationships" because our brains can't make sense of the person's conflicting behaviors, causing stress. So, we justify their behaviors to satisfy our need to relieve this stress. If a person's words and actions conflict, don't make yourself crazy, just get out!

    1. I experienced this with the ex narcissist.

  35. Everybody complains that they're dating a douche. And say oh I wish I could find a nice guy!. Well I'm always alone because I'm not a doucebag! What does that tell You? Treat a girl like garbage and she's yours! Maybe I should be a douche so I'm not so lonely. Years of being the nice guy has gotten me nowhere.

    1. i wish we girls can find you one in a million guys! most of you live so far! but keep trying or just wait till lady luck walk by. i promise you will find your true love one day! it just takes some longer than others

    2. I am right there with you man. I have never been in a serious relationship before. I am one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and most of the girls I know go for the bad boys and things like that. It pisses me off.

  36. Just this week end I have ended a 4 month relationship with a douche. Fortunately I read the tell tale signs and kept him at a safe emotional length. I ended it, yet he managed to twist things so that I almost pleaded him to forgive me. Forgive me for being insecure and paranoid... All the things I felt in our relationship due to his lies and cheating.
    A man who is financially tight and stingy is emotionally tight and stingy too.

  37. I started dating my boyfriend because he had the same views as me on not wanting anymore children And having tainted views on marriage but 7 months later hes the one pushing for both. I guess as a woman that makes me the douche.

  38. I am a woman and I have been a douche I was 6 out of 10
    and just got done dating a douche. He was 9 out of 10
    I was a little shocked to find this info out. It did help me a lot because like a dumbass I cared very much for the douche I gave 6 chances too.
    I do know one thing I put an I con on my phone with this list so when I meet someone I won't act like a douche and I will read it before a date so I won't bother with dating another douche...

  39. the term is passive/aggressive personality aka hot/cold

  40. This is sooo exact it's hilarious. My ex fits this and I love the fact that you point out that people will make excuses for the actions of the "douche bag". In the long run it is always ones self that causes the most harm. When I finally had enough I had to ask myself one question. What am I worth? Finding ones self worth is the beginning to ending a vicious cycle. If you believe you aren't a wonderful as your friends and family tell you then you will never be happy. You have to be happy with yourself before being happy in a healthy relationship.

  41. I've definitely dated a few douches like that before. some men are creatures of habit and never change their ways. Its pitiful

  42. The talking thing is a BIG red flag........
    maybe bigger than the others..

  43. I've been dating a douche for six years. Blinded. Finally seeing things for what they really are. Seeing him for what he really is. A pathological liar who preys on women and yet he's always the victim in the end. A master manipulator. A sweet talker. He spins a web of lies and in the end YOU are always the bad guy and end up apologizing for crap you did five years ago when he's the one cheating NOW. How do we let these things Happen? Stupid Girl.

    1. Im in your boat it sucks! Hes currently cheating and hes talking about things from when he first met me. Im always at fault and trying to fix things he effed up. Such a frustrating situation to be in and get out of. Im still in it weve broken up and gotten back together about 3 times now. Its the worst feeling.

  44. after reading all this, yes i dated that douche. i would always be depressed but making excuses for it and how he behaved and i lost friends too. im glad this douche accused me of cheating so i could finally get myself away from that toxic relationship that was only bringing us both down. oh dont let me forget that i caught him in bed with a woman we were living with. i guess it was his wrong doing that made him sketch about me. sorry hun i did love you and only you! bye bye douche!

  45. All thoes things are right on the mark...this guy I dated .treated me like crap..from day one..I blocked it all out..he broke up with me for 4 days just to go out with another girl found out from someone else
    Everytime I go out guess who had to myself n I ...then when he took me to the casinos I had to pay this is my birthday he took me to McDonalds for my birthday and 1 day I fell on the floor and I asked him to help me up and he would not help me up and I asked him why would you help me up he says you can get up yourself now I broke up with him does he want to get back together with me but he never wanted to go out with me or just keep me on the sideline we were supposed to go to the beach together but I canceled that the last week it was Easter and he said to me I gotta take my cousin pictures of Britney Spears age but I can't I don't know when I'm going to be back write you going out some other girl so I told him it was over but the hard part about it I gotta work with this douchebag he's a stupid waiter in assisted living and I'm a CNA and I work with him and he's trying to go out the Spanish girl now if she doesn't want him ..she just wants to be friends .... And also see what he wants to get with 1 of the residents granddaughter right in front of my face what a douchebag and what a jerk and what a womanizer and what a player remember 1 thing when you think you got a bad least you don't have to work with a douchebag

  46. Holy cow!!! This hit me in the face on all points. Everything you said fit my man to a T!
    I'm currently dating a douchebag. He was AMAZING at first and the slowly let into his addictions and trading having sex with me for sleep and sneaking over to find wifi at a friends house to watch porn and do himself while I made him dinner at home. And he lied about having sex with my neighbor for a year and a half. And he cheated on me. And pushes me. But says " I love you". He yells at me when I wanna have sex and he is "too tired" (he is a 22 year old guy...he should wanna bang all the time!) because he needs to wake up early to go to work. I get that. But when he finds time to stay out super late with his friends and not give a shit about how many hours of sleep he will get.... That pisses me off. He recently told me " give me 100% freedom to whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want." He really said that. douch bag? I think yes. And he said he wanted to marry me three months into our relationship. He told me the other night he felt obligated to have sex with me and ten seconds later he said "did you make me any lunch for tomorrow".... Ass

  47. ugh. all signs point to... :( (which ive known for a year but getting out isnt as easy as one would like to believe...)

  48. I ditched my douche about 6 months ago. He meets all the criteria on this list. I tell you I am SO MUCH HAPPIER NOW and I have SO MUCH MORE RESPECT FOR MYSELF now that he is out of my life.

    I was so hard to get out of this relationship because I kept making excuses for him. I tried to leave him once (literally walking out of a door) when he smashed my hand in it. Somehow my addled brain turned that into "he loves me and cares about me that he doesn't want me to leave him".


    For all you guys and ladies still with your douche, you've acknowledge that s/he is one. You've taken the first step to setting yourself free!

  49. I was with a guy for 5 years, we were even engaged to be married. All I did was cry all of the time because he was mentally and emotionally abusive. I was on a constant roller coaster of emotions with this guy and he never respected it, even openly told me that he didn't and that I had to "earn it". The topic that hit home the most in this article was #10 - would you be proud to have a son like him? HELL NO. He never treated me (his fiance) like a future husband should; he disrespected me, belittled me, and I would be ashamed if I ever had a son and it turned out like him. I don't know what the hell was wrong with me or why I stayed with him for so long... but when I finally made the decisions to end our engagement (because I deserve a happier healthier relationship), it was the most liberating feeling. I was finally free of that douche who never deserved to be called "my man".

  50. Would you be proud to have a son like him? This pretty much sums it up. Thanks for the advice.

  51. My "ex" (he said he loved me, wanted me to move there but the "are we a couple" talk somehow never came up) broke up with me 6 months ago by not responding my calls or texts. Two months later he came back, had this whole explenation which I somehow accepted (hope I guess). He disappeared again just to, two months later, send a text saying he misses me and wants to try again. Once again he disappeared, not responding to my phone calls or texts but manages to update his facebook. This was it for me; sent him MANY texts about what a douche he is, called him with a secred number (otherwise he wouldnt pick up the phone) and yelled at him for 10 minutes. Definetly made sure he wont call me again, which makes me both calm and sad.
