
Thursday, April 4, 2013


My douche story begins in December, 2010 looking at a friend request on Facebook of an old classmate of mine while laying in bed after dropping out of college. I was vulnerable as heck, feeling way down, and still trying to figure out why I had so many anxiety issues.
When I saw that request from an old classmate from high school, I didn't think much of if I should friend him or not, I loved keeping in contact with people. Little did I know it would start a rocky relationship with a well known heartbreaker.
I can't recall how it ended up with Facebook messages, but it did. Friendly at first, we caught up on old times; recollecting on accounts we had with old teachers. When he told me he was actually in a group that practiced old medieval swordplay, I was sold. Thus begins my phone number exchange with Sword Fighter Douche.
I'll be honest and say I was only looking for a buddy, but we all know as women, we get uber attached fast, even when we don't want to. I know this was my downfall.
It started out very flirty, I sent him little winky faces in text, he sent me shirtless pics, it was a gold mine to me, finally someone that I can have fun with. About a month later, on January 9th, I came over to his house.
We were watching movies and chilling around. Then we kissed. It was one of those heavy make-out sessions with breathless feelings. I was sold by that point, his sweet talking made my hormones pop.
It is important to note that same night I got a Facebook message from some other guy I was in love with. This kept me from going all the way that night, because I had to think about a few things. SFD took me home and I sent a message back to that guy I loved telling him about my confused state. At this point in time, the love guy was deep in the friend zone by me because this guy lived 1000 miles away.
"Honey, I say go for it. If you want to have fun, have fun." He had said to me.
I called SFD that night and arranged to see him that weekend. We flirted, we laughed, and I was anxious.
That weekend came by so fast, there I was on the couch with him again that weekend, and we did the deed. Due to unfortunate weather, I was stuck in his house all weekend thanks to an ice storm.
SFD came on strong, when I thought we were gonna have fwb kinda things, he said all the right things to make my heart beat fast. He called me beautiful, cute and said I was the best he had. We moved so fast, I wasn't sure what to do. But that's a douche's MO, to prey on women. He told me that he wanted me to meet his family.
He picked me up about a week later and I was falling hard and fast as we pulled up to his family's house. His mother sat at the dining table, she was making medieval costumes for his group. His extended family started piling in the tiny house. I should have ran at that point. His aunt said, "You change girlfriends more than I change my underwear!" And started to laugh. But I stayed. Later that night, it became official, we were together.
I look back and laugh at my foolishness.
I actually ran home that night and Facebook messaged the love guy, elated and happy.
" Im happy for you!"
He said
"But remember to be careful, something feels up here. I was looking at his Facebook page and saw he's got a lot of friends, most of them chicks."
I told the love guy not to worry, I could handle myself. I'm a big girl, blah blah.
All the while, I was texting SFD and he wanted to take me to one of those meetings for that group that does the medieval reenactments. But he warned me his ex was gonna be there too, and she'd be jealous and that she was crazy.
In all my readings on IDTD, I have noticed that there is that thing about all their ex's being crazy thing. Ha! Makes me laugh now, because that's just how he acted.
I went to the meeting with him, everyone was dressed up, it was great! The king stood up and made a speech. I felt like I was drawn back into time. I met the other fighters, aside from SFD, and they acted like I was a lady. Chivalry was everywhere!
On a side note of history, knights were trained to be chivalrous, and women threw themselves at them. They were like the celebrities of the time. That's what it felt like, being with the Brad Pitt of the pack didn't help.
The meeting that night was about Valentines day, which was just Round the corner at this point. I was elated.
But before v-day is when things started to get... Weird.
I got a Facebook message from someone that claimed to be his girlfriend also. But, to be honest, I didn't think so at the time. This girl was in high school, and looked like a butter face. However, nowadays I can see he probably was dating her as well.
I did ask SFD at the time and he gave me that you-are-the-only-girl stuff. I believed, as always. But that didn't stop me from being a little suspicious.
A girl who is suspicious does better research than the FBI.
I found out he had been all over town, and other towns. I found out he had actually been with my friend once too. And I found out my friend was with him while he and I were dating, and some other girls too.
I am one of those people that will try to fix something before I let it go. There was only one person I can ask what to do, the love guy on Facebook.
He told me, "He's a douche. You deserve better, someone that will treat you like a princess. Someone that will respect you, someone that will love you! I'm tired of seeing him treat you like that! Everything you told me about him just pisses me off! I could treat you better!"
"I'm tempted to change my name, move to where you are, and start over," I said. That was when I made my douche mistake too, and started cheating on him. I felt like if he could cheat on me, I could cheat on him.
I should have let go of him, but I couldn't. I was confused, kept tugging lover along, and kept being tug along by SFD.
One of the last times I went over to his house, I found a used condom on the floor, I knew it wasn't ours, I was on the pill.
I found his tagged page that night, and texts of him shirtless to other girls. And one of his (beep) saying "Can't wait to see you, I'm going to break up with her tonight, I promise."
Turning point was when I started seeing a shrink. I was so confused, anxious, panicked and depressed.
I was put on meds. And SFD took that opportunity to finally break it off with me he called me crazy.
That's not the end though. He called me a week later wanting to go out, thing is his Facebook said he was in a relationship. He tried wooing me and it wasn't worth it.
All the while my relationship with lover kept growing. Even when I was cheating on SFD, I couldn't help but fall for lover.
In the end this is a story of two douches, not only SFD, but me as well.
I have recovered from my douchy ways, still with lover two years later. But from what I hear, SFD is still a douche.


  1. Very well-written and insightful story. Thanks for sharing.

    And - you found love with a worthy man. You prevailed over douchebaggery. You won!

  2. Aww your lover friend sounds like one my close friends. He said very similar things to me during one of my really bad relationships, but we didn't have the romantic aspect(we had liked each other in high school, but he moved away).

  3. Favorite line:

    "A girl who is suspicious does better research than the FBI." Word!

    If we would just put our superpowers to more worthy ventures, think what we could accomplish! lol

    1. FBI - it's the truth!!! and I always call ugly women "butter face" LOL!

      good for you got rid of this ahole and you're happy now.

  4. Almost the same story as mine....weird.
