
Monday, April 8, 2013

Perfect Guy Douche

Some men know how to be the perfect guy. And they'll be the perfect guy, up until the moment they get tired of keeping up the act. This is one of the most evil kinds of douche bag -- because they could be the wonderful man they've studied and learned how to emulate. They just don't feel like it.

I dated that douche.

Douche sent me a message on a dating site. After we got the basics out of the way, he invited me to an amusement park, and we had an outstanding, amazing, mind-bendingly good first date.

He was fun -- we ran from roller coaster to roller coaster, laughing the whole time. He effortlessly won me a giant stuffed animal. Best of all, he made me feel adorable. By the end of that hot July night, my stomach hurt from laughing, I was sweaty but I didn't care, and we linked arms in a sweet, comfortable way as he walked me to my car. We made plans to meet back up the very next morning. I went home, swooned over his sweet goodnight texts and barely slept a wink.

Our second date (in which we went to the zoo, lunch, mini golf, and made out in a park) kicked off a marathon of picnics, gifts, flowers sent to office, dinners, hikes, movies and mini-vacations. We seemed to be breathlessly in love. He sent me a relationship request on Facebook and set a photo of us as his profile pic. Within a month we'd met each other's families and were talking about marriage. In fact, we were so happy about being madly in love that we tended to congratulate ourselves over and over again. Whenever we encountered a lull in the conversation, we'd resume talking about how happy and in love we were.

I'd dated enough douches to be suspicious, so I tried to temper my excitement with a little bit of caution. I knew well enough not to bring up the topic of marriage myself -- I didn't want to be that crazy girl. But Douche gazed hard into my eyes, kissed me deeply, and told me that our marriage was "a foregone conclusion." He talked about our future kids, he said we might move to a new city together, and he told me that his niece wanted to be our flower girl. I was ecstatic. Every damn day, I was ecstatic. For about three months.

He seemed to be ecstatic, too, as he bought picture frames that said "LOVE" and decorated his apartment with photos of us kissing. He was smart, successful, and he loved me! He was perfect. 

But the thing about dating a douche is that is goes bad gradually, so you don't realize it's happening. Or, you find ways to rationalize it. When I first started seeing Douche, he wanted to see and talk to me all the time. But during our fourth and fifth months together, he allowed me into his life only in carefully scheduled windows. We talked every day at 5pm (even though I'd have to cut our call short because I was still working). He'd visit me on specific weeknights from precisely 9pm-10pm, no longer. He'd "give me" (his words) one day per weekend. He'd inform me that we could see a movie, at 7:40, and I'd be thrilled--even if I didn't really feel like seeing a movie.

He was (as he made sure every knew) a big military guy, so I figured that he was just very regimented. I figured that was the same personality trait that made him good at his job, so I decided to get used to it. 

Just like I got used to how he turned out to be a complete asshole to strangers -- getting into road rage fights and screaming obscenities at people through their open car windows. He was, I rationed, never mean to me. I also got used to how he tended to get sick and go home every time we were supposed to spend a night together, even the night I booked a nice hotel room. 

Right around November, when I was starting to feel like I barely had a boyfriend any more, he let me know that he could no longer "keep up the pace" of being in a relationship. He started taking online classes and needed to make time for them. I should have let him go, but he told me that he still loved me very much. In fact, he got angry with me when I suggested that he didn't. How dare I insinuate that he didn't love me enough, when he'd already told me that we were going to be married? Why was I so demanding? I started to feel hurt and anxious around him, but I figured that he must still love me when he started planning our Valentine's Day in Puerto Rico. I tried to be a better, easier girlfriend. I tried to back off a little, even though I became desperate for some reassurance. 

But even when he gave back the key to my apartment, because he "felt weird" having it, he insisted that he loved me and would "never let me go." So as Christmas loomed, I (still starstruck from our blissful summer together) started to fantasize that he might actually propose to me. My co-workers, who had met him and seen the lavish bouquets on my desk, started telling me that this was my year. Douche told me he ordered a special gift for me and suggested that we wake up together on Christmas morning. We drove out of town to see his niece's Christmas pageant, and my heart swelled with love for Douche and his family. I couldn't wait to be a part of it. 

But instead, he sent me an email on December 23 to break up with me.

He sent me an email.

It said:

Neither of us see the person we started dating 5 months ago.  To be honest, I take responsibility for a lot of it.  I feel like I am not going to be able to give you the attention that you want or deserve.  Especially now that I am back in school, I really just have no time.  I think you are a great person and I have no bad feelings toward you at all.  In fact, I want to thank you for one of the most fun and memorable summers I have ever had.  Maybe it's just a matter of really bad timing.  I had high expectations for us when we started dating also.  Unfortunately I am just in a situation where I have put my schooling and career in front of everything else. I am headed to my parents' place in the morning.  I'll be back in the city later in the week.  I would really appreciate the chance to come pick up my tools.  Just let me know what is good for you. 

I was Christmas shopping at the mall with my dad when I got the email. I was standing in a Brookstone store. The world started to spin. What was happening?! I wanted to vomit. I thought I might faint. Instead, my dad put me in the car and I sobbed the whole rainy way home.

When I got home, I called Douche, hoping I had somehow misunderstood. He answered in a shitty tone of voice that I barely recognized: "Yes?" I choked out, "You don't don't get to break up with me via email."

And he hung up on me.

Instead of waking up with Douche on Christmas morning, like I'd planned to, I stayed at my parents' and wept. After New Years, he emailed me again asking me for the tools he'd left at my house. I told him he could get them from my dad -- honestly believing that he would -- but he wrote a scathing reply about how immature that was and that he didn't want his tools that badly. Funny how my brave military guy was too scared to face my dad. (Now I have my own drill and socket set, and they've been pretty handy!)

I replied with a final plea: that he not talk to his next girlfriend about marriage if he didn't mean it. He wrote back:

That is what people in happy relationships talk about.  Things are going well and those types of conversations happen.  You dream about what a life would be like together.  I find it hard to believe that you never had a conversation like that with anyone before. 

And that's when I realized just how heartless my perfect guy really was. 

I'd like to say I realized how lucky I was. Thank goodness I didn't move to another city with him, or marry him, or have his children,  only to find out that he could so easily abandon me. Unfortunately, it took a little while and a lot of support to get through it.

 You fucking douche. 


  1. Wow, what a jerk! Guys are so deceiving. What are you supposed to think when he does all of those sweet things for you!? It's guys like him that make girls not trust guys. Now, whenever a guy does nice things for us, we automatically assume it's "too good to be true" and keep our guard up, just waiting for the douche to show his real self. Pathetic.

  2. I'm so sorry you went through this. I too have dated that douche, full of hopes, and dreams, and empty promises. Glad you got out of this rather than marrying him though! You're better off.

  3. Wow...that sounds like my last boyfriend. Except he broke up with me by a text. And he's 35 years old...

  4. OMG hunny! This just happened to me but only after 2 months. It makes no sense. U have every right to be angry and upset. I feel yr pain. What a gash he is. U deserve better. I wish u the best. Hugs

  5. This guy sounds EXACTLY like my douche of an Ex!! To a T!! I even got the same email, almost verbatim from him! I was almost questioning if it was the same guy, but mine was never in the military... So unfortunately there are alot of those "perfect guy douches" all over the world... I'm still getting over him, and can't wait til I can be okay about it as much as you are now!

  6. Sounds similar to what I'm going through....I am at the rationalizing it party and trying to be supportive of him but feel like I'm alone.....July will be a year. Only difference is I never met his family or friends. I never been in a relationship where I felt so alone. I'm paying it works and trying to keep my guard up. Just hope I'm not wasting my time.

    1. I don't know you or him but from your short post I just wanna say "run,run now, run fast and run far. People in general don't change who they truly are but like this basically says if they seem to change it's because they've been wearing a mask the whole time.

    2. "I am at the rationalizing it party and trying to be supportive of him but feel like I'm alone.....July will be a year. Only difference is I never met his family or friends" This part of your short post is a HUGE RED FLAG. We can't tell you what to do and of course, it is impossible for us to know for sure, but in my experience, this is NEVER good. Not meeting the friends or family is NOT good. It's funny you noticed it and you say you have never felt so alone in a relationship. If I were you, I would pull back a little. Don't invest your heart in this relationship. 2c. Good luck, dear. KJW

  7. I dont understand men and there thought pattern and why do they make empty promises when deep down they know it will not happen.Why do they completely change after a period of time ??? In my view better are those men who are honest and upfront say " i am commitment phobic , i will not be able to marry you etc". Atleast they are man enough not to make empty promises and only say when they mean it . And lastly i would like to say if its not perfect its nt the end. end will always be perfect for ppl who r true and such docuhes always regret and fail to find love of dere lives eventually having living a life in despair. I hate such men.

  8. Wow! This sounds kind of like where my relationship is headed! I'm at do I still have a boyfriend? Even though he says he loves me and wants me to move with him aswell. And he seemed like the perfect guy too, now things have been changing. But of course he says nothing has changed. What douche bags!

    1. The answer is simple: no you do not. Listen to your nagging suspicion and not him.

    2. Believe what he does, not what he says. If you think things have changed, they've changed. Don't let this douche gaslight you anymore. You aren't crazy. He's just a douche.

  9. You ARE lucky!! These are hallmarks of the beginning of an abusive relationship, and his power and control issues abound (big red flags). Relationships that get serious really quickly and 'perfect' people are seriously overcompensating and are actually most likely sociopaths with no empathy for anyone except themselves. So sorry you had to go through this, but am glad you are out!

    1. Oh boy ... that makes sense ... WOW ... just ... WOW ...

  10. In the military, so grown up, claiming to have stood for so much...yet couldn't face you after promising MARRIAGE by breaking up with you via email.


    I think we dated the same loser.

    Keep your head up, guys like that aren't comfortable in their own skin, know they're lower than dirt, and choose to do nothing to improve who they are as people.

    You and I are better off alone...seems the male population of this planet consists of guys like this who get a kick out of purposely hurting a girl, and walking away to laugh about having gotten you to feel for them. Sorry excuse for a "man".

  11. I've so been there, except I got the text message breakup. I didn't even warrant an entire e-mail message. These assholes are probably the same ones that turn around and say their ex was "psycho". Well, I wasn't until you put me through the ringer! I'm sorry this happened and hope you are on the road to recovery!

  12. Your douche has many many brothers, it seems, and I dated one of them too.
    Mine did turn into Controlling Abusive Douche, although he never hit me, so even that I rationalized.
    I saw all the red flags and when I tried to get him to explain, I'd get yelled at.
    Maybe he's right - he's perfect, right?, so his explanation must be right.
    Maybe his crazy ex-wife really did drive off every single one of his friends, and that's why I wasn't allowed to meet any. (He lived out-of-state.)
    I figured I could never fall for a creepy abusive guy; I'm too strong, intelligent, and have too high a self esteem, right?
    That's exactly what attracts these creeps, and exactly why I fell for his deceit; I thought I was immune.

    If you think there's something wrong, THERE IS.
    Good for you, girlfriend, that you didn't marry, move, etc. I almost did too ('til he broke up with me by phone!).
    Cheers to you!

  13. Ahhh yes. I too dated this douche. Also a military scuzz ball. He cheated on me like it was a fucking sport. (see my "Baby Douche" post from a few months back.) I went through a long and terrible depression after his atrocious treatment during a tough time (I lost my job and got kicked out of my apartment with my 3 kids). And then acted completely astounded when he came back from overseas and I didn't greet him with open arms when I ran into him at the store. Or when he emailed me 6 months later asking me out. Completely cold, calculating and unrepetant and still he felt entitled to my devotion and affection. These guys are at the very least narcissists if not downright sociopaths.

  14. omg... that sounds so much like my ex douche...

  15. Wow. Just got out of a relationship with this douche! Thank you for sharing your story. It's been three weeks since I've talked to mine and feeling stronger every day. Take comfort that they will do this to any other women. Despite the heartbreak, we are lucky to escape them. So sad that there are men like this.

  16. so crazy reading this I've been sick over this douche all week since he broke up with me friday 3 days after returning from a romantic trip to jamaica. im hating him more and more

  17. Yep. I dated that douche. He romanced me like I had never been romanced before, right up until he cheated on me and left me for an 18 year old (RIGHT after she finally turned 18). Apparently he had been waiting for her, and just killing time with me.

  18. I dated a guy recently that did the same sort of thing. He talked about marriage and moving in together. He wanted to move faster than I did. Then once I started to feel the same way he dumped me because he doesn't see a future with me. It's not me its him. I am perfect but he just doesn't love me how i love him. That he still wants to be friends because he cares so much for me. I wish I can see what a douche he is but I am still heart broken and not really over it yet. Thanks for sharing. It helps to know there are others out there that are blind sided.

    1. Omg that is my douche to a tee!!! Came on strong and then threw me out like a used tissue. Hasn't reached out at all in the 3 months since we broke up. It's like I never existed and we were together 8 months. It really pisses me off that he has skated off into the sunset and I still cry every night. I just wish I could reset the clock. I want my peace back.

    2. Yeah I had the same problem, broke up with my douche in December 2012 and I'm just now finally over it. It was an awesome relationship for 6 months, then he dumped me, got back together 3 months later, and finally broke it off in December. Took me a long time to realize that he never really thought about me when we split up, he just moved on to other women. Douches like this don't have a soul, they are severely troubled and eventually, it will come back to bite them in the ass. I've seen it happen, don't worry, it will.

    3. So sorry to hear that you went through that and twice! These douches deserve to reap what they sow times 10! Until this happened to me I never realized so many of these guys existed. Douche and I are both in our mid 40s with kids!! I now realize he was a man child disguised as a sweet, caring, sensitive single dad. Boy did he have me snowed! I was such a sucker. I still feel like this must all be a dream. I went from being a super happy positive person to a complete mess. I am on Lexapro, Xanax and see a counselor. I cry everyday and never want to date again. Meanwhile I am certain he is living it up. F""#*ing douche...I hate you and may The Lord have mercy on your rotten soul.

  19. I went through exactly the same type of scenario over the last year. He was all gung ho in the beginning, met his family, met my family and was 'crazy' about me. Said he loved me on the 3rd date, wanted to spend the rest of his life...blah blah. THEN he did a 180 when I wouldn't move in with him by the 4th month. Turns out he has COLOSSAL financial issues...and I think he just wanted someone to put a roof over his head and take care of him. When I wouldn't budge on my boundaries boy did he turn sour. Passive/aggressive, withholding affection, distanced himself and acted like a complete ASSCLOWN in the end. He broke up via email the same week I lost my job. NEVER fall for this in the beginning when they go head on like that. This man is 52 years old and had to move home to his mother's in the least I didn't get burned financially. Watch for those red flags and BS stuff about 'love' too comes back to bite you...

    1. Same thing here - my ex-douche apparently didn't believe me at the beginning when I said I didn't want to live with someone I wasn't married to - he tried all kinds of pity tricks but I wouldn't budge. He broke up with me on Facebook and through a letter, and moved in with a woman he met online within a month or so. Good riddance!

  20. That was my last bf, he did the same exact thing to me. We were together over a year. 3 days after our breakup he was living with another girl he met online. Now he's doing the same thing to her.

    1. I'm sorry you went thru that. So he started acting weird because you wouldn't move in with him? then he met someone online? This scares me because my 'assclown' is all over the net, has his name out there on every site imagineable saying he was using it mostly for business reasons. Where are the good ones???? and this man is 52 years old! do they ever grow up?

    2. My counselor told me ... NOPE ... yesterday ...

  21. I was so sorry to read your story. My perfect douche lasted all of 10 weeks, moved very quickly, fell hard and fast, talks about the future, the works. We got on AMAZINGLY and it really was too good to be true, I was over the moon the whole time. It was pretty much how you explained yours, only this shitbag didn't break up with me at all. The last time I saw him he was kissing me goodbye after an amazing day out telling me how much he would miss me. The calls and messages just stopped, and no reply to mine. His facebook reassured me he was still alive, and I just walked around feeling as though I'd been hit hard in the stomach. I didn't have a clue what had happened and got no explanation at all. About 3 weeks after our last meeting he removed me from his friends list and put a picture of himself and another girl as his profile photo. I was just devastated. It took months to fully get over and to finally feel OK to be in my own skin again. This was a year ago and I still have a dating aversion. This guy was 32 and didn't have the balls to face me and tell me the truth, just left me to figure it out by myself. They don't ever grow up.

  22. Aw, I dated this kind of douche too. I was completely heartbroken with his heartless brakeup. When he broke up with me we were engaged and when I found ut he was dating another person one week later he replied "don't call me again, I don't owe you anything we are broken up". He actually gave her my engagement ring and they were married 8 months later...douchebag!
    The good news is that after a year I got over it and am way better. It takes time to heal from the pretend perfect guy douchbag but you do heal and see the idiot for who they really are. AND there is karma - 5 months after douchbag married the girl she told him she's been having an affair for awhile and would like an open marriage...hahahaha. A bit of proof that things have a way of working themselves out. Just lucky I didn't marry the idiot

  23. I had a woman do almost exactly the same thing to me, so this behavior is not restricted to men. We live in different states so we only had weekends to spend together. Our second weekend she was talking about we were going to "grow old together" and I was all for it because she was (I thought) perfect and I had never met a woman that being with her seemed so effortless. We met each others parents and as far as I knew everything was going exactly as it should. On my last trip to her house for the weekend, I asked her if I could move there to be with her full time, and she said yes and was so excited she cried. Then out of nowhere she sends me a text (no phone call) saying she didnt want to pursue a long distance relationship. So yes, guys get douchettes like this too.

  24. He has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Look it up. I researched this extensively. This is what they do. He has all the classic symptoms. And many sociopaths have these traits. However, a sociopath would have probably stayed with you and tried to kill you if you left him. Usually a narcissist will marry you and THEN turn into the monster they really are. They usually don't physically abuse, because they have to look perfect and upstanding to everyone. But the sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse would be much worse.

    I would bet that he had just come from a breakup and he was just using you to get his narcissistic supply (that's a term) until he could find someone else. OR he hadn't had any takers for awhile, so the only supply he was getting was from duped friends and relatives. They serve as a nice backup for a narcissist, but he can't abuse and control them like he can a girlfriend/spouse. Because they worship him and he can't have them find out what he really is.

    Narcissists can't go for very long without the admiration and ability to control. They have to find someone to fill that void until the next one. I would venture to say 90% of anything he told you was a lie, no matter how insignificant it seemed.

    So for all of you who blame this kind of behavior on a guy being a jerk, or ask "why are guys like that?", now you know. This is a serious disorder stemming from childhood, usually a problem with the opposite sex parent, but not always. Either this person was too spoiled, or completely ignored as a child.

    But don't feel sorry for them. THEY ARE MONSTERS. I know someone who was married to one. He forced her to have sex with other men about 40 times in their 13-yr marriage, and even mentioned numerous times he wanted her to have another man's baby. I can't figure that one out, unless it's simply for control.

    1. This makes total sense, my douche mentioned on our first date that his mother left when he was only 4 years old and his step mom was verbally abusive and only cared about her own son. I thought this was a little much on a first date, but I didn't think much of it. Everybody has a different past. Now I know I should have ran out of the restaurant! lol

  25. Narcisstic supply...interesting, this is totally what I am dealing with, also army guy and MMA fighter, everything was great then he acts like nothing ever happened but would only show affection or attention toward me if another man was just even talking to me. Never slept with him, thank god! But he did get physically violent toward me...doucher!

  26. At least you had gradual warning. I dated a similar Narcissistic douche last year for about a year. We did all the things you mentioned: going on trips to a race in North Carolina (we both loved racing), movies, amusement parks, he even took me to an Adult Easter Egg hunt. I played cards with his teenage kids, after a few months together I pretty much stayed at his house all the time. He told me he wanted to "Keep me around," basically showing me signs that he wanted to eventually marry me. After 6 months together, and still having an awesome relationship, I received a random text when I woke up in the morning. I'll never forget it, it was a Monday morning in May around 9am. He basically said everything your douche said in his email, only my douche's rational was that I "wanted a family" and he did not so it was better that I "move on." Huh?!!! I was so confused. What was he talking about?! It was like he had been thinking about dumping me for a while and finally did it over a text.

    So I called him and rationalized with him over the phone, I didn't understand why he was randomly dumping me after all we had done together. I thought he was just scared or something. He agreed and we continued together on for another month until he did the same thing over the phone, only this time, he was very nasty to me when he dumped me.

    So we split up for 3 months, I couldn't sleep or barely eat during those months. I was so confused and it was awful. Come September he was begging me to get back together, I finally agreed because I was convinced that no guy would ever do that much stuff with a chick unless he was serious about her. We broke up again in December.

    Looking back, there were several red flags that I should have heeded warning. First, after 5 months together he still refused to put us on Facebook in a relationship, citing that it was "bad luck." That was a huge red flag that I missed. Secondly, right around the 5th or 6th month, I mentioned possibly moving in together after my lease was up the following year. Surprisingly, he didn't want anything to do with that. I think that's when our relationship started heading south. It's a smack in the face when you realize that you're in love with someone that isn't in love with you and doesn't want a future with you. You feel so deceived. But I guess I was in denial and wanted to keep going with the relationship.

    The fact that your douche started having a regimented schedule kind of sends a red flag to me that there was another woman.

    You are right though, this is the most evil type of douche. They have no heart or soul at all, they just play their game and use you, then throw you out like trash. There is a possibility that my douche was seeing other women, I have no way of knowing because I didn't live with him. I blindly trusted him because he treated me like I was his world, so why would he need someone else?

    Now I realize that this is how he works, he dates women for about 6 months, shows them the moon, then dumps them because it's a game and he got what he wanted. The reason I say this is because the girlfriend that replaced me was dumped about 6 months later. And I remember his friends mentioning that he brought a different girlfriend to their 4th of July party every where. Another red flag.

    I have picked up the pieces and moved on. But I haven't really dated anyone since and this December will mark a whole year without a man, probably the longest I've ever gone without a man. I definitely have trust issues, more severe now than ever. My douche was so good at making me feel like he was in love with me for 6 months, and he totally wasn't. So how should I believe other guys now? It's impossible.

  27. He sounds a lot like a sociopath. I'm not an expert on either, but I read a lot, but more on N's than socios. I'm glad you are rid of him. It's very hard for women to leave either personality type for many reasons, esp after marriage. Either they are threatened, become solely dependent on him (i.e., he will coax you into quitting your job or'll get pregnant).

    N's (and probably socios) are so good at manipulation, that all the cases I've read about, the women slowly starts thinking everything is her fault - that it's her, not him. It's insidious. The most confident and intelligent women have ended up questioning everything they do and say, and thinking they are the crazy ones. I read once that a woman couldn't engage in hobbies like reading because it took attn away from her spouse. When she finally got loose after at least a decade of marriage, she literally could NOT think for herself. She couldn't make simple decisions (what clothes to wear), lost interest in her hobbies, etc. Scary.

    Now N's have what is called "narcissist rage". This isn't always an angry outburst. This can be the silent treatment. N's will be offended over things you have no idea about. You could say "I called that number you gave me but it was disconnected." He would take it as a criticism (" you were WRONG" or "you're stupid"), and might think you were throwing it in his face. He'll leave for hours, even overnight w/ his cell phone off. Victims say they always walk on eggshells.

    My stylist has a good friend who is dating a sociopath. Once you do the research you can pick out the signs fast. I watch a lot of Dateline-type shows, and I know what they're going to say before they say it, it's such a pattern! This guy also has also the patterns of a socio. The friend won't listen to my stylist. The guy tries to keep her away from her friends and family - oh the examples I could give but it would be too long. It must be hard seeing this unfold before your eyes and not be able to talk sense into your friend. My stylist thinks this guy has the potential to be violent.

    BTW, statistics show that 1 out of 25 people are narcissists. And 50-75% are men. I don't know how they calculate that, as N's don't know or don't care what they are. I imagine the number is much larger. Think about the number of people you come in contact with every day...

  28. I almost think we dated the same man. We were going to get married, have children, build a house together. I took it one step further though, I moved to his home state. He dumped me through FACEBOOK! Now I'm stuck in a tiny little town.

  29. Been there, done that....check out the book, The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout (Author) was recommended to me and after you read this one...see the others that Amazon suggests. Not only an eye opener but a comfort to those of us who have dated the evil twin of this guy.

  30. I wounder if it is happening to me. He says that he wants to marry me and only after about a month. He always walks away when he gets phone calls. There is so much i want to ask him about but don't know how. He seems to have gotten close with my two children and is even claiming the one on the way as his. I am at a loss. He talks about takumg care of us and going back to active duty to do it. I just have a loy of doubts. what should i do?

    1. 'There is so much I want to ask him about but I don't know how, this is a huge red flag to me, you should be able to talk to him. I felt the same with my ex who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read up on it, try to keep some detatchment from him and just watch him for signs and red flags.

    2. Well the only reason that I don't know how to talk to him is my controlling ex husband. It has caused me to have some trust issues and insecurities. How do I work on those? My ex husband had NPD really bas but was also mentally and emotionally abusive. It has caused me to have a lot of problems with guys and myself. How can I get past all of it?

  31. This is why I only date losers who can't get it together from Day 1. No surprises.
