
Monday, July 16, 2012


So this douche and I dated for about 8 months and things were going great. We loved each other and were starting to make plans for the future, when a personal tragedy struck my family. My brother and his girlfriend who were living together in a large city near by, became the victims of a home invasion, house fire and shooting. Both were shot in the head with low caliber and low velocity bullets, so they survived, but it fell on my mother and I to care for them both for awhile. Also, their home was burnt down and they needed somewhere to live so they both came home and lived with me at my house. Talk about stress! At first, the douche was supportive while I was going to the city to visit them in the hospital, and when I got them to my house, but then while I was in the middle of the whirlwind with my brother's precarious health, the douche bag starts play head games with me. He would get jealous over my spending time with my family, he became very clingy and wanted to be with me all the time or called when I was in the middle of something ie doctor visit with my brother. And on a few occasions he threatened to break up because I didn't immediately answer my phone. He said it was proof were we not compatible. I would always talk to him, face to face and the conversation usually ended when I said something like, “If you want to break up over this that's your choice, but it doesn't make any sense.” THEN all of a sudden he could see my point of view.
Then, he started finding faults with me, and nit picking and belittling me about everything I did. I told him, that what he was doing was abusive and I wasn't going to put up with it. I said either accept who I am or go away and leave me alone. When he stopped that he started playing these head games with me, where I would be having a phone conversation with him and telling him something important, and he would interrupt me and say, “I love you.” Now if I didn't immediately stop what I was saying and respond in-kind, then he would ask me why I waited, why I hesitated and why I didn't love him. WTF? Then there were a couple times when we would be together and he would be brooding. When I asked him if I had done something, he wouldn't answer and just change the subject. So finally, when I would be angry and tired of his drama he would laugh, and say “come here,” so that he could hold me and comfort me. Then he couldn't understand why I didn't want him to comfort me or even touch me after HE was the ONLY reason I was angry and in a bad mood to begin with! I think it gave him some kind of boost to manipulate my mood like that, but his problem was he wasn't good at manipulating or understanding my feelings. He was constantly trying to manipulate me into going faster, or rearranging my schedule to suit his. Trying to manipulate me into spending time with him instead of my family or my volunteer group. Now mind you, he waited to pull all this crap right when my family was in need of me and there was a bunch of stress on me already from my brother's incident, and all in the span of about 2 months. He actually expected me to just put up with all his drama and diva attitude, because he was a bodybuilder and thought he was so good looking, even though he was 52 yrs old and balding badly at the time. Also, I was the one with more money, better house, and I had a car and he didn't. My brother said, "If he's going to be this much of a drama queen he better bring more to a relationship than that!"
I finally had enough and told him that I needed some time to think about what I wanted from this relationship. I said I wasn't going to answer his calls for awhile, nor emails, but after a while I would call him to talk after I took some time to think about things. He got angry, and started sending me emails calling me names, and saying I was an immature child having a tantrum. I purposely ignored his emails for a few days because of that, then I saw a post on Facebook saying that he went from being, “In a relationship” to being “single.” We had a couple mutual friends on Facebook who started asking questions so, I put a status explaining, that we were no longer a couple. He got on there and called me names, a drama queen, saying I was immature again, and that he did tell me before his relationship change on facebook, that he broke up with me through an email several days ago(when I told him I needed time.) All this on Facebook in front of my friends and family. I think he got so mad because, he was convinced that if he told me it was over in an email and on facebook, that I would go running back to him and beg him to give me another chance. Obviously, that didn't happen so he flipped out. I sent him one last email saying, “I never want to talk to you again, I never want to see you again, and I will no longer respond to any of your emails.” although he still tried to email me several days later to be friends. WTF again?!? After a few conversations with mutual friends and people that knew the both of us, I found out that he had been addicted to vicodin, and the 2 months before he melted down he had his supply cut off. In other words, he was fine when he had enough drugs to function and became a total douche when his drugs were cut off. I have since blocked him on every social network we shared and don't answer his calls.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you didn't take any of his shit, good for you!
